Bay Area References

Here is the contact information for some professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area that I have been very satisfied with. Some of these people are excellent for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and other disabilities, others are merely adequate, but are excellent in other ways.


Joan Underwood Realtor Red Oak Realty
1891 Solano Av, Berkeley, CA 94707 510-527-3387 x113 (voice)
510-520-9543 (fax)
Joan was my realtor when I bought my house in 5/97. She isn't disabled but she listened and believed. After working with me, she is knowledable enough to take on other MCS clients. She doesn't smoke or wear scents. Her car is safe and big enough for a wheelchair. Plus, as a realtor, she is great. She lets her clients talk and figures out exactly what they want. One day she called and said I had to see a particular house, that is was perfect for me. She was right...I bought it.
Red Oak Realty's office is wheelchair accessable but a tight squeeze. There are sprays used in the bathroom.

Cyndi Norman / / Last Modified: 9/8/97

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